
∙Am I Genuine     ∙Overview     ∙How it Works     Warning Messages     ∙In Conclusion

Warning Messages

This section describes the warning messages you may see and gives instructions on what you should do.

Error 003 - Item Not Found

The message above is displayed if the pair of codes you are checking are not recognized.

If you are entering the codes manually then check your the two numbers you entered carefully and correct any mistakes.

If your entry is correct or you scanned the QR code, then the codes in question are trully unrecognised.

This makes the product you are holding suspect - it could well be a forgery.

However, there may be other technical reasons for the message, which we need to investigate.

So it is critical that you press the 'Contact Us' button and send us full details of the product, where you purchased it, and your own contact details - the more information the better - and we will get back to you promptly.

Even if you decide not to purchase the item, it is still very important that you contact us so as to the benefit everyone - help eradicate the plague of forgeries.

Error 014 - Item Already Sold

The message above is displayed when the item you are checking has already been recorded as 'sold'.

If it was you who previously scanned the label, then obviously the message is not a problem.

Otherwise, the message indicates a serious problem - it is possibly a forgery.

We would advise you not to purchase the item.

But we would beg you to still use the 'Contact-Us' button to advise us of the product details and the circumstances of the purchase.

It would also be a good idea to advise the retailer of the problem.

Error 013 - Stolen Label

The message above is displayed when the item you are checking has a label that has been recorded as 'stolen'.

You obviously should not buy it.

Either the labels have been stolen or the actual goods are stolen

The matter should be reported to the Police.

But we also beg you to use the 'Contact-Us' button to advise us of the product details and the circumstances of the purchase.

Our advice would be to leave the shop quietly and then submit a 'Contact-Us' report to us, followed up with a report to the police.